Friday, May 24, 2013


My packing progress so far

Packing for a trip that lasts 2+ months can be difficult.  First, make sure to check the weather for the places you are going.  Last summer, I spent about two weeks in Argentina and then went to Europe.  Argentina has opposite seasons to ours because it is in the Southern Hemisphere.  So when I was there in our summer, June, it was their winter and very cold!   

I was bragging to all of my friends in Argentina that I was going to spend the summer in warm Europe.  I did not bother to check the weather and mostly brought tank tops and flip flops.  When I landed in London, I was surprised to find that their weather is cold and rainy a lot...even in summer!  It was about the same temperature as winter in Argentina, and I was cold a lot.  Lesson learned.

Me in London in front of Big Ben
It is important to research the customs of the countries you are planning to go to as well.  I want to travel to Morocco for a couple of weeks.  Morocco is a predominately Muslim country in Africa that is very different from ours.  They are a lot more conservative, and most women wear clothes that do not show their shoulders or knees.  So, even though it is hot in Morocco, it is important for me to have enough long skirts and sleeved shirts to wear when I am there.

The next step in packing is to clean and do laundry.  This way, you can see what you have and what you need.  Then you can go shopping!  It is always nice to get a few new things for a big trip.  My mom and I went shopping today, and now I am organizing my things and trying to fit them into my suitcase.  Tomorrow, I will probably pack and repack a few times to get it just right.  Then, I am off on Sunday!

If you would like to learn more about Argentina, England, Morocco, or any other country you are interested in, check out these websites!